Saturday: weekly evangelism

saturday weekly evangelism

Saturday: weekly evangelism

saturday weekly evangelism

Sunday: Weekly Service

Sundays weekly service

Sunday: Weekly Service

Sundays weekly service

Every 3rd Friday: Watchmen on the Wall

Friday every third, watchmen on the wall

Every third Friday, Watchmen on the Wall

Friday every third, watchmen on the wall

Every Monday: Abba Father

Mondays weekly preaching

Every Monday: Abba Father

Mondays weekly preaching

Every 2nd Friday: Fire Night

2nd Friday of Every Month Fire Night

Every 2nd Friday, Watchmen on the Wall

2nd Friday of Every Month Fire Night

Apostle Suleman LIVE: THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! 2nd Jan. 2023

Apostle Suleman LIVE: THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! 2nd Jan. 2023

Apst. Johnson Suleman 2021 Prophecy

Rhema for living

This blog was created to take the gospel into homes, schools, offices and businesses of millions across the nations. For far too long the media has been used as a tool to promote the agenda of the enemy and turn the hearts of men away from the path of salvation; it is up to God’s children to take a stand and use this powerful tool called ‘MEDIA’ for the gospel and expansion of the Kingdom.



Another major characteristics of the citizens of the kingdom of God is praying. Not a “once- in -a- while” prayer, but praying without ceasing, which is a lifestyle. The house of God is a house of prayer (19:46)for praying for citizens not a den for thieves, due to prayerlessness. 

Every notable citizen of the kingdom in the Bible were men and women of prayer. They communed with God in prayer and made impact. When our Master and perfect example, Jesus was on earth, He was prayer personified. Despite the fact that He was the son of God, He prayed ceaselessly, always setting aside time to commune with God in prayer. He began with prayer and  He ended with prayer, lay down His life for redemption of man

Why then are many not praying or struggling to pray? The answers are not farfetched. Praying is a discipline that requires one to give oneself to it(Acts 6:4). It is not a gift as there must be a deliberate and conscious decision to discipline oneself to pray and not many are ready to. The truth is, God has given us His Holy Spirit who helps us to pray ( Romans 8:26) but requires fellowship, consistency and devotion not a random prayer life. 


My Father! My Father! As I   to pray now, I receive fresh passion to pray