Join the Campaign
Join the Campaign
Campaign for the crusade seeks to further move the ministry of Apostle Johnson Suleman to the level the Lord God of Host has charged him with.
Apostle Johnson Suleman in the midst of his drive to reach souls all over the world has taken his time, lead by the Holy spirit as it were, to take the word of the lord through crusades and outreaches just as Jesus Christ did in his three and half years of reaching out to souls when he was in the world.
In a retrospect, several Ministration by the Apostle, was backed with proof of the works of the Lord based on the prophecies and the testimonies that followed sway from various crusade both Locally and internationally.
As part of his aim to win 5 billion souls to the kingdom it is obvious that he cannot do it alone as such collective efforts in soul winning has gone a long way in achieving this goal.
Also in his daily and weekly voyages to actualize his soul winning goals much is required financially as such, keying into the visionary moves by sowing financially to the ministries for the continuous spread is necessary.
Saturday: weekly evangelism
Saturday: weekly evangelism
Sunday: Weekly Service
Sunday: Weekly Service
Every 3rd Friday: Watchmen on the Wall
Every third Friday, Watchmen on the Wall
Every Monday: Abba Father
Every Monday: Abba Father
Every 2nd Friday: Fire Night
Every 2nd Friday, Watchmen on the Wall